Alcoholism is not merely a “moral” or a “social” problem. It has grave health impacts which are not just limited to the direct biological effects but also have significant psychological underpinnings.
It’s true that alcohol consumption has been a part of many cultures and customs since ancient times but why is it destructive and lethal for some is influenced by many factors – genetics, social milieu, early childhood experiences and personality. However, some people can drink and have stable functional lives but for many drinking is connected with a disease – “Alcohol Dependence”.
The disease is pigeon-holed with cravings, impaired control, withdrawals, tolerance and continued use despite negative painful consequences. In it’s truest form, the disease is chronic, progressive and if not treated- terminal.
What can be done about it?
Denial of the disease is what makes the treatment or intervention difficult. Regardless to say, then, the first step in treatment is to go around the denial by cajoling the alcoholic or engaging in more assertive techniques of persuasion.
After this hurdle is crossed treatment can begin on an outpatient or in-patient (residential) basis depending upon the gravity of the disease and the nature of the negative consequences.
Treatment entails a combination of medication and counselling. The early the intervention; the better the prognosis. The 12-step approach, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Motivational Enhancement Therapy are some strategies that are used in therapy sessions.
To conclude, success in recovery is achieved when the families and the treating team do not give up on the alcoholic and continue to provide nurturance, support and empathic understanding to the alcoholic despite the odds
Dr. Deepak Raheja
Sr. Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist
President : Delhi Psychiatric Society
Director : Hope Care India
Address : 137, Uday Park, New Delhi – 110049
H-5, Bawa Farms, Ansal Villas Satbari – 110074
Mobile No. : +91-98102 12377
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Hope Care established under the guidance of Dr. Deepak Raheja, President at Delhi Psychiatric Society is a psychiatric center of excellence that endeavors to restore hope and well-being to individuals and families afflicted by mental ill-health through comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation services. Hopecare seeks to set benchmarks in innovative programs in treatment, care, and education.