Family is where you can heal your wounds. It is a system of motivation, support, and love.
But what if you have a deranged family? How will you survive the complications of life then?
Studies have revealed that when therapists were interviewed, a few very intriguing facts surfaced.
One of them being, that when a child or adolescent is taken to therapy, be it a cause of addiction or mental imbalance. Most of the time, the real issue resides within the family and not the child!
Solution? Of course, total family therapy!
But if a therapist said that the problem is coming from the entire family and not the child, then none of them were ever going to go back for the treatment.
Yes, that is how rigid our system is.
What is the solution then to get the family to a family therapy session?
Story of a traumatized family
Mr. Dad and Mrs. Mom took their young son to therapy.
“The child has become out of control, obnoxious, and keeps throwing things at people,” complained Mrs. Mom.
“He needs therapy, make him okay,” added Mr. Dad.
After a bit of chit-chat with both the parents, it was revealed that Mr. Dad had been sacked from his job. The financial issue of the family was draining. Continuous fights killed the peace of home.
What more? The little boy was left stranded. He had overheard his parents considering a divorce.
All of this together came like an emotional blow to the young boy. He was left confused, scared, and in a state where he could not even express himself.
These suppressed emotions gradually started to have their physical manifestations. The boy became violent, showed emotional outbursts, and this was only the start to it.
The family was referred to a few sessions.
The young boy got his individual counseling to process his underlying emotions.
His parents were given couple counseling to manage their conflicts.
The entire family together were counselled to restore peace, communication, and trust amongst themselves.
So if you still wonder, ‘ Why it’s done?’, the answer is here..
Family therapy is done to avoid the objectification of any issue or blame a particular member of the family. Its sole motive is to upgrade all the members in it. As a family is a unit, they should also come out of any problem together. It focuses on rebuilding the lost ties, communication, and trust.
What is the goal of family therapy?
Family therapy goals reflect on working upon all the members of a family together to heal any mental, emotional, or psychological problem.
The goals, however, also depend upon the problems faced by the family;
- When a family member is suffering from any psychotic issues-
The goal in this scenario is oriented toward helping the other members of the family to understand the disorder and adjust to it.
- Children being raised by grandparents or people living in a joint family-
The goal is to set healthy boundaries with each individual.
- Single parent-child-
To cope up with internal issues as well as to blend in with society’s attitudes.
- When one family member is not given equivalent treatment-
Increased empathy and support to the individual. Change of attitude is a must from the side of the family members.
- Family members coming down from mixed cultural backgrounds-
Help the family members to respect each other and their cultural differences and maintain a healthy bond.
What are the benefits of family therapy?
The effectiveness of family therapy has advanced at a tremendous rate. A few of its benefits are;
- Increase in communication.
- Deeper empathy.
- Anger management skills.
- Less amount of conflicts.
- Maintaining healthy boundaries.
- Better problem-solving attitude.
The following ways are adopted to help build better family relations;
- Developing a supportive environment.
- Reducing stress within the family.
- Resolving conflicts.
- Help in building trust.
- Forgiving each other.
- To bring the family together after any problem.
- To create honesty.
Help through books?
If you are still unaware of the miraculous effects that reading can have on you, it is time to pick one book and see for yourself.
As beautifully said by Garrison Keillor,
“A book is a gift you can open again and again.”
- Family therapy: Concepts and Methods by Michael Nicholas and Sean Davis.
This book gives deep insight into the practice of family therapy.
- The Family Therapy Treatment Planner by Frank M. Datillio, Arthur E. Jongsma Jr, and Sean D. Davis.
The book will help in giving a piece of knowledge about the treatments and therapies that are induced during family therapy.
Family therapy techniques
The best way to resolve your family issues is to talk to a professional, as therapists are guided to give the best treatment possible. Thus, recovering from any problem takes place at a faster pace. If you too want to get aid from highly qualified professionals, then visit the best counsellors in Delhi.
Family therapy techniques have been found to be very effective for an array of issues. The methods involved during any family sessions are;
- Structural therapy.
- Strategic therapy.
- Narrative therapy.
- Transgenerational therapy.
- Communication therapy.
- Psychoeducation.
- Relationship counseling.
Family issues have a triggering effect on all members of the family. Science and medicine widely accept this fact. Reading books, undergoing therapy are a few of the ways that the problems in the family can be dealt with. But, the first step to resolving such critical matters is to consult a professional.
Seek the help of a therapist!
Since 1940, when family therapy was given heed to this date, experts know the consequences of a disrupted family. Only a trained professional can sight your actual issues and resolve them. Your part of the job is to seek help whenever you suspect a problem. We at Hopecare guide our patients to lay the path towards positivity. Family is a strength, and it should remain so. We understand this truth and help you overcome your problems.
Get the best treatment for Family Therapy. Call at 91-9311112377!

Hope Care established under the guidance of Dr. Deepak Raheja, President at Delhi Psychiatric Society is a psychiatric center of excellence that endeavors to restore hope and well-being to individuals and families afflicted by mental ill-health through comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation services. Hopecare seeks to set benchmarks in innovative programs in treatment, care, and education.