Another year has gone by, sitting at the couch, doing practically nothing. The world is seeing a horrific change! But why should the virus that was meant to affect your physical health play a role in degrading your mental state of mind? Doctors are doing their work. Things are going to improve, if not today then tomorrow, but surely they will. So, what is the answer to all the questions that are bombarding your mind? What are the techniques that will help you get over this pandemic phase? Let us tackle them one by one;
How to look after your mental health during a pandemic?
- Of course, you know the first step to it! By accepting what is happening around the world! Although in the case of deaths, the unsafety to step out of your house is getting you panic-stricken but, accepting is the only way of how you can cope with it.
- The structure of the world outside is getting you appalled day by day. It can be more overwhelming if you already have anxiety issues. So, be aptly educated about the knowledge you gain from outside. Do not let the news and media be all-consuming to you. They have their share of over-exaggerating the details.
- Things that are not in our control can make us feel powerless. Dwelling into ‘ What will the future hold for us in terms of covid?’ ‘Dreading a family holiday gathering!’ ‘The hikes in the death rates.’
Well, they are not for you to worry about. Things will unfold in front of you gradually. If you cannot keep control of this, you can surely keep control of how to deal with this health crisis. Invest your time in keeping yourself and your family safe
- Meditate, letting loose of your negative vibes. Indulge in activities to make yourself more occupied and productive in coping with pandemic stress.
In a gist,
“ Keep the negative world outside, and invest internally to create a positive outlook.”
The ‘corona world’ has seen a massive recession. People have been knocked out of jobs because of the economic fallout. Not only this crashes your self-esteem and is a slam to your financial front, but also it has anguishing effects on your psychology.
Pay heed to the following steps to make your life a little easier;
- Start writing a journal, where you jot down your achievements. The feeling of the acquired success can give a boost to your degrading confidence
- Spend time around people who love and support you.
- Self-reflect on yourself and understand that you are unemployed due to a massive financial breakdown all over the world. This should not be equated with your capabilities, so make sure not to blame yourself for the loss of the job
- Keep your hopes high. It will be needed as you would be trying to look out for new opportunities and job openings
- Exercise, keep yourself well nutriated and healthy. This will make you feel good from within
- Have an optimistic outlook, and do not give up until you have reached your goals.
Be it losing a job, undergoing a lone-time, feeling extracted from the world outside! Any issue can invoke a ‘tsunami of feelings’ inside of you. No matter if it is emotional, psychological or physical, what is needed is to maintain connection with your close ones. We are supposed to maintain social distancing….not emotional seclusion!
Emotional health during pandemic-
Coping with pandemic has already taken a toll on us. We yet, do not know how long we have to roam around with a mask on, avoid people we want to go meet, postpone vacations and short trips. All over the world, places are either partially shutting down or completely due to lockdown. It is said that, “The fear of the unknown is the most.” This very fear is sweeping away our confidence, our zeal for motivation. You are not alone when you question your degrading mental state in such a shortcoming. Embrace yourself when you do so! You should realize, you are not supposed to hate yourself for all of this; hate the virus instead!
- Feel good for the opportunity that you got to spend quality time with your family
- Sit back and relax because now, you can give a chance to all that you like to do.
- Exercise and eat healthy to feel good about yourself
- Reframe your mindset, be grateful for being safe and healthy and also get a health insurance when a fatal virus is in the air.
Did you know: Health care enthusiasts have found in their study that the present amount of stress is the biggest that we have encountered to date!
Are you still going to hide behind the shadows thinking that the pandemic is causing havoc only in your life? Everyone is vulnerable to the outbreak of covid, be it at a physical level or mental. The distraught faces all over gives us a clear picture that everyone is traumatized at different levels. So take it as your duty to take care of yourself and others.
Taking a few steps and measures to rebuild yourself In a positive manner can uplift your mental state. Be a solid pillar to your loved ones, and for that, you yourself have to be strong first. Remember, walking on this treacherous road with an optimistic mind and the company of your family can actually pave the way for a better future. Only together can we fight the virus!
Also, make sure to reach out if you tend to give up. People worldwide are losing grip over themselves. It is much better to ask for help rather than be in a predicament and lose yourself in it.
Schedule an appointment now!
We are always there to help you. Do not feel alone!
Do not hesitate to ring a bell at 9311112377.

Hope Care established under the guidance of Dr. Deepak Raheja, President at Delhi Psychiatric Society is a psychiatric center of excellence that endeavors to restore hope and well-being to individuals and families afflicted by mental ill-health through comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation services. Hopecare seeks to set benchmarks in innovative programs in treatment, care, and education.