Everyone knows what we are talking about here. The assaults of depression have engulfed many. But, for those who are unaware of this immoderate problem, let me pen it down for you;
‘Depression is a mental inflicted disorder which is characterized by unfavourable mood fluctuations and can have its manifestations in the physical form as well.’
We are talking about such a ‘dark’ topic today, as it has already marred the life of many. People go up to the extent of even taking their lives away if this is not treated. Thus, talking about this can shed a streak of light on the unawareness that has grasped us!
Psychological effects of pandemic-
Pause and take a look around the world today, not quite so, as it was a few years ago, right? People are stranded at home, unable to go to jobs, have any leisure or amusement in their life. Forget about a vacation; nowadays, people think twice even before just basking in the sun. The means of socializing have altogether taken a different meaning. The pandemic is truly feeding on our fears of uncertainty. Sitting at home, not knowing what the future holds for us, is making us more exasperated. We never expected a scenario as such in our waking state! Our lives have been sidelined, and we have to get adapted to this lifestyle, if not sooner..than surely later! Assumptions are booming for all of us, and for the first time, mostly all of us have similar thoughts; “How long are we staying indoors?”
“How dangerous is the virus?”
“What is the ideal cure for it?”
Sitting inside the four walls, all we do is try to grab a bit of the world outside via news and social platforms. But, what a sad truth, all that comes in around, into our ears.. are the death tolls, places after places getting locked down, the vulnerability of people to this life-threatening virus. What a Major Global Health Crisis our generation is spectating at! Well, not only that. Facing the anxiety of feeling trapped at home, not being able to go and work, meet friends and family have created a cloud of dilemma in our mind. So many of us have already been struck by depression for this reason.
What can be done now?
First, take a deep breath in and put your worries aside. I know being quarantined can be a very rough phase. But remember, everyone around you is going through the same. Accepting the fact is always helpful to cope up with the situation. Things always get worse before getting better! It is to be understood that health professionals and the government are doing their best to relieve us from this situation. Our duty primarily now resides on keeping ourselves aloof and restraining our social gatherings for the time being.
Effects of pandemic can be very rash but,
‘Stay at home, and stay put.’
- Begin with hauling yourself out of bed early in the morning.
- Have a routine, paint the picture you always wanted to but had no time, play the guitar, read books, pursue your hobby again
- Invest in your relationships
- Work, even from home
- Exercise in your garden or terrace area
- Reach out to your friends by video calling to socialize
- Keep yourself updated with news but, do not delve into them
Emphasis on maintaining a routine is made here. You can choose how you spend your day, however, but we all know that having a goal or a routine keeps us motivated. And this mindset will surely help us in getting over this pandemic stage.
Get creative! How will this help? Being innovative puts value on your work. Even sitting at home, you will feel productive this way. Creativity is just not the uniqueness of the brain; it is teamed up with hard work, and this combination will be a savior to overcome this phase.
Even after all this, if you feel a seething of resentment. Then try to reach out to your friends and family. Secluding oneself physically is one thing, but having a mental barrier can have many adverse effects. Every human being, as unique as they are, think that their problems, too, are absurd and never heard of. But that isn’t the case exactly. People around us undergo the same disorders, problems, be it physical or mental. So talking about yourself to them won’t make you feel ‘out of the group.’ Your acquaintances might even advise you something good, as they have been in that place too. Their support and care will not make you feel alone. In reaching out, you may also find someone dealing with the same issues. Both of you can be ‘symbiotic’ for one another then.
Also, be aware of this one fact; negative emotions are a part and parcel of life. They make us appreciate happiness. It is not possible to always remain positive or happy! The truth is, happiness, smiley faces are sold on television, tabloids, etc. Looking at happy people makes us more imbalanced. The reality is different from that. Everyone has issues, and everyone feels lonely… Now, even more, as being quarantined has cut off our social connections. Remind yourself that this time will pass and make the best out of it. But, if you are still unable to contain your fleeting emotions, then take therapy. Professional help should be resorted to in case of grave matters. Even sitting at home, doctors are providing teletherapy to their patients so that no drastic steps are taken by them. To avail of this opportunity, contact the best psychiatrist in Delhi.
The message I want to put through here is that, even in such panic-stricken conditions. Take a hand forward and reach out if the phase becomes very murky for you to endure. Depression during quarantine is common. Do not feel alone! Instead of internalizing your pain, share it with people who care. Also, hotlines are available if you have the thought of quitting.
Contact the best doctors for depression in Delhi.

Hope Care established under the guidance of Dr. Deepak Raheja, is a Psychiatric Centre of excellence that endeavors to restore hope and well-being to individuals and families afflicted by mental ill-health through comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation services. Hopecare seeks to set benchmarks in innovative programs in treatment, care, and education.