Who doesn’t like young children full of energy, frolicking here and there? Many times, as parents, you try to give your children everything in your capability. And also, many times, you avoid the red flags that your child shows you.
Sudden angry outbursts of energy, impulsive nature, inability to remain calm, destruction of property, and aggressive nature won’t go away with time. On the contrary, it is something that, if the foundation is laid today, will only aggravate at a later date.
If you notice any such changes in your child, he may be a victim of intermittent explosive disorder. It is advised you take him to a professional to resolve the issue at the earliest.
What is intermittent explosive disorder?
Intermittent explosive disorder in child is a psychiatric disorder characterized by abrupt acts of anger, difficulty in controlling impulsive behavior that is maybe endangering oneself or someone else.
Did you know?
A 2016 report reveals that a man strangled his friend to death before burning her!
Motive of killing: None!
He was later diagnosed with having an intermittent explosive disorder.
No matter how normal you find your child’s behavior now, it can take a terrible turn if the situation is not taken control of in the early phase of life.
What makes a child reckless and makes him lose control?
A range of 3% to 7% of the population is seen to succumb to IED.
What can be the causative factor to it?
Mostly, childhood trauma and intermittent explosive disorder have been correlated by researchers.
The reason being, all principles, habits, behavioral patterns are molded in the early years of life. Children bear the flag of their duties and responsibilities as taught to them in their initial years.
Therefore, exemplary teaching, manners, a good atmosphere at home carry utmost importance so that good habits are needed in the child’s mind.
How can you detect if your child is suffering from IED?
- From verbal abuse to violent acts, if you notice your child gets into an immense rage and throws tantrums uncontrollably, it is time you pay attention to his actions and not neglect it as a mere ‘childlike behavior.’ These outbursts do not end with their childhood, in fact, people having fits of anger issues have claimed that this was a problem faced by them for ages.
- The trigger inducing these behavioral abnormalities can be as simple as wanting a toy car or even indulging in life-threatening activities. Although the child is small and may do things unknowingly, therefore, a parent should always be in a position to protect and avoid any mishaps from happening to the child.
- Most instances show the child in a peaceful state of mind after carrying out the impulsive act. When asked, these children confess that without listening to their impulse, ‘something’ drives them crazy. More so, like, their tiny world is going to tear apart.
There is a close connection between childhood trauma and intermittent explosive disorder
Childhood teaches us to maintain our relationships and manage our emotions. It is the first hand of interpersonal schooling that an individual gets.
Childhood trauma disrupts the entire mechanism of the brain. A child is resilient by nature, and at the same time, he is capable of holding on to things that derange the normal functioning of his mind.
The incapability to manage his emotions is very well noticed even in the long run. When adults show sudden aggressive outbursts, it sprouts due to his inability to understand and manage the storm of emotions he is going through.
The solution!
As children are fast learners, they can be sculpted into being the best humans if correct methodologies are followed.
Due to several factors, a child may be going through the depressive mode of intermittent explosive disorder. In this stage, the reins remain in the hands of the parents.
With proper care, techniques, caution, and control, the guardians can effectively help nurture the child so that he can lead a normal life.
Here are a few tips for parents to follow for the betterment of their children.
Teach your child to reflect on their feelings
There is an evident difference between feeling and emoting.
Teach your child the correct distinction of what feelings should be executed and which should not be.
Make him understand that feeling certain emotions are okay; in fact, hiding emotions can take a toll. But, when emotions are enveloped within the clutches of just negativity, they should be sidetracked and replaced with something positive.
Therefore teach them to label their feelings, and in case it is something negative, show them the way towards optimism.
Keep your child away from household tensions
The young mind of a child learns and adapts to things very fast. If he is brought up in a scenario of violence and anger, this behavior will inculcate as a part of his nature too.
So it is advisable that next time you have a squabble, do it discreetly.
Join therapy with your child
It is mandated that you learn professional tips and tricks to control the impulsiveness of your child.
A few parents have many issues of their own; it is highly beneficial to get proper therapy to resolve any disputes to maintain peace at home.
Train him with affirmative words
Positive talks take a firm ground in building the personality of an individual. Repeated good thoughts can make the child aware of the good things and dwell in them more than the bad.
Also, use words like,’ Maintain distance from the person you are angry with for the time being.’
Redirect his attention
Affirmative thoughts, followed by constructive actions, helps in slowly suppressing the unhealthy behavior of your child. With persistence comes practice!
Slow repeated changes to behaving in an altered manner, unlike his usual way of creating havoc, will be adapted in his system.
He will prefer to think and do good before bad.
Make him engage in hobbies like coloring or building castles to cope with his anger issues and calm him down.
It is to be noted that intermittent explosive disorder is categorized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Therefore, it is just not any tantrum issue that your child is showing. The disorder has serious consequences. Thus, if you notice any odd behaviors of your child that are not easy to control, it is essential you take the help of the specialists at Hope Care India.
Contact at 91-9311112377 to give your child a life that he truly deserves, because as parents, you have the power to shape the destiny of your child.

Hope Care established under the guidance of Dr. Deepak Raheja, President at Delhi Psychiatric Society is a psychiatric center of excellence that endeavors to restore hope and well-being to individuals and families afflicted by mental ill-health through comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation services. Hopecare seeks to set benchmarks in innovative programs in treatment, care, and education.