Workplaces, with their diverse workforce and watertight tenets of professionalism and status, could be an overwhelming environment for those who feel deeply about things. While there is no harm in feeling too deeply, one must keep in mind how all actions are influenced by emotions. Even at work, our decision-making abilities are largely impacted by how we feel. While constructive emotions tend to enhance productivity by building up understanding among employees, overly intense emotions tend to become an obstacle, as they block communication and hamper the ability to reach logical and cogent solutions.
What To Do For Managing Your Emotions At Work?
It is not possible to control the way others feel and act. But it is possible to have a hold on yourself and your reaction to the actions of others. Therefore, it is essential to manage your emotions, especially in the workplace. It is absolutely necessary to maintain your composure in the workplace.
- Firstly, it is important to recognize what you feel. When you feel your emotions surfacing, do not panic. Instead, recognize the emotion and the situation that you are reacting to. Understand what triggered it instead of reacting immediately and putting a label on it.
- Do not shy away from your emotions. The first step is to accept the way you feel. When you have completely understood it, talk to yourself about it before talking to others. This helps you understand your expectations from others.
- Take a breather and go outside if required. The cool breeze and fresh air will definitely be a relief to you.
- Be vocal about your emotions. It is not necessary that others are feeling the same as yourself. If it is a particular person or a situation caused by an individual or a group of individuals that triggered your emotions, communicate with them and get to the root of it.
- Identify what you learnt from this situation and how you can apply it to situations in the future.
What Are The Coping Mechanisms For Employee Emotions?
As an employer, you need to prioritize the well-being of your employees to build up a stronger culture of work for increased productivity and smooth relationships. Unmanaged emotions tend to get in the way of your ultimate goal as an employer. Here are the tips you can follow to manage the emotions of your employees:
- Allow room for mistakes as they are inevitable. Publicly berating the employees could lead to feelings of humiliation and embarrassment. It is always better to address the mistakes of your employees in a one-on-one situation while maintaining your calm as well. This will provide optimum results as it is a better mode of communication and will reduce the possibility of mistakes to happen in the future.
- Building trust is foundational to have a smooth relationship with your employees. Pent up emotions with no outlet can hamper individual growth and negatively impact their work. Therefore, it is necessary that your employees feel comfortable in their environment and can be vulnerable with you and their colleagues. For this purpose, it is important to have Emotional Intelligence workshops organized every now and then.
- Connect with your employees and be present. Make them feel valued and appreciated for their hard work and efforts. It is essential to empower your employees time and again in order to boost their confidence and performance.
- Listen to your employees rather than providing them with solutions. They want to express their feelings and be heard.
How To Deal With Negative Emotions At Work?
Negative emotions hamper the growth of an individual, and consequently, the organization.
It is important to deal with them before they become unmanageable. This can be done by:
- Acceptance: You need to accept that you cannot change everything you do not like. While it is important to let your emotions surface, ruminating wouldn’t lead you anywhere. Instead of fixating on the situation, be compassionate towards yourself and let things go every now and then.
- Maintain distance: Mentally removing yourself from a situation may reduce the intensity of your reaction towards it. Try not to delve into a situation you are not capable of handling at an emotional level. Only if and when you feel you have cultivated the emotional maturity to tackle the situation, go back to it then.
- Look for the positives: This is absolutely necessary to regulate your emotions. It helps you change your perspective towards things and gives you an overall positive outlook.
If your emotions take a toll on you despite countless attempts on your end to manage them, seek professional help at HOPE CARE, the leading psychiatric center and mental wellness organization. HOPE CARE has a team of the best counselors in Delhi and always strives for the mental well-being of its patients.
Book an appointment today!

Hope Care established under the guidance of Dr. Deepak Raheja, President at Delhi Psychiatric Society is a psychiatric center of excellence that endeavors to restore hope and well-being to individuals and families afflicted by mental ill-health through comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation services. Hopecare seeks to set benchmarks in innovative programs in treatment, care, and education.