Morbid jealousy, often referred to as pathological jealousy or Othello syndrome, is a condition which occurs when a person feels an irrational fear of their partner being unfaithful towards them. It is a worrisome state, as Shakespeare can vouch for it, for his Othello ends up strangling Desdemona.
However, morbid jealousy may not always end up in a murder. A person with morbid jealousy may end up stalking their partner, constantly accuse them of infidelity, and if the situation escalates, it may lead to domestic abuse. In any case, this is a concerning condition.
Different Kinds of Pathological Jealousy
Obsessive Jealousy: The one suffering from obsessive jealousy is afraid of losing their partner to a potential rival. They are aware of the lack of evidence, yet suspicions take the form of unwelcome, intrusive and unpleasant thoughts about their partner’s unfaithfulness, along with compulsive checking of their partners’ behaviour.
Delusional Jealousy: This condition manifests itself in the form of accusations and frequent interrogations in order to extort confessions from the partner. These interrogations could be torturous. The sufferer may end up examining the underwear of their partner for seminal stains, and their genitals for additional evidence.
How Can You Cope With Jealousy?
It is important to accept your emotions and seek help as soon as you start noticing symptoms of jealousy. Here are a few tips that can help you cope with the feelings of morbid jealousy:
- Identification of the situation: It is absolutely necessary to be clear of what triggers your feelings of jealousy. The time and place play a key role here. When do you get these feelings? Is it when you are having a bad day, or when you are in a social situation? Or do they appear when you see your partner speaking pleasantly to someone else? Acceptance and identification of the emotion is the first and foremost step.
- Talk to your partner: We all need assurance. Open the lines of communication with your partner and tell them how. Be careful that you do not accuse them while you talk. Focus on your feelings and not on your assumptions.
- Reflect on your thoughts: Jealousy can arise from low self-esteem and self-doubt. Analyse the thoughts you have right before you experience the feeling of jealousy.
- Make the connection: Low self-esteem and self-doubt, a feeling of inadequacy and feeling unlovable may lead to further stress and anxiety over your relationship, culminating into depression. It is therefore necessary to connect your thoughts with the gush of emotions you feel at that instant.
- Challenge your mind: The brain works in mysterious ways, and it is up to you to challenge the thoughts which cause agony. You need to convince your brain about the falsity of its jealous convictions.
- Put an end to jealous behaviours: Try not to act on your suspicions and put an end to the frequent interrogations. This may help you put an end to the pattern.
- Recognize where the feelings stem from: Look into your past and try identifying the root cause of your jealousy. It could be your issues with abandonment or betrayal in any previous relationship which is risking your present and perfectly healthy relationship.
- Give yourself time: Your feelings will not go away in a day. It may take weeks or even months. These emotions cultivate over time, so it is necessary that you give yourself time while you deal with them.
- Seek help: If you still battle with these emotions, seek professional help at the earliest.
Where Can I Get Help?
HOPE CARE is a leading psychiatric centre and mental wellness organization that recognizes and provides for the mental stresses in modern day living. With the aid of Dr. Deepak Raheja and his team of well-experienced doctors, the best therapist in Delhi, one can deal with the feelings of morbid jealousy.
For detailed consultation, diagnosis and treatment, book an appointment today!

Hope Care established under the guidance of Dr. Deepak Raheja, President at Delhi Psychiatric Society is a psychiatric center of excellence that endeavors to restore hope and well-being to individuals and families afflicted by mental ill-health through comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation services. Hopecare seeks to set benchmarks in innovative programs in treatment, care, and education.