Go to a party, and drink a glass or two of wine. “ That will not do much of a harm! It is an occasional thing!” you say to yourself…. then maybe, you pour yourself another glass.
You see, this is a repetitive sign of your brain wanting more and more of those overflow of dopamine. After all, your friends have stayed unaffected for years, even with alcohol abuse. So how can just two glasses of wine be harmful to you?
The effects of alcoholism are essential for all of us to know. Every individual is different, so is their controlling capacity. One might become an addict in a year, and the other may still be in control after five years. The medical history of the person is another criterion to how alcohol will react in your body. The amount of alcohol consumed and the tolerance to it are the other risk factors.
Dangers of alcohol addiction-
- Slurred speech
- Fatty liver or liver cirrhosis
- Kidney infections
- Hypertension
- Tuberculosis
- Strokes
- Heart failure
- Cancer
The above-listed diseases are all fatal and may end up eventually taking your life. Understand this, that trying to get some temporary happiness, you are putting your life at stake.
How to prevent alcohol addiction-
Having to deal with alcohol abuse disorder can be pretty challenging. But, having a strong willpower can make your journey easier;
- Either you are too happy or too sad, you think of alcohol. Change this mindset. Not being able to control and giving in during challenging situations is a reckless way of dealing with life. Avoid consumption of alcohol in vulnerable cases to not end up depending on it
- Replace alcoholic drinks with more carbonated beverages, or maybe even juices, to lead a healthy life
- Avoid socializing and going to places where you will not be able to restrict yourself from drinking
- In cases of teenage alcohol consumption, be a better guardian in educating the child to not resort to demeaning substances at such an early age. Openly talk to him in cases of any peer pressure or stressful conditions in their personal life. Be available to your child so that next time when he is in need, he opts for your help and not alcohol.
Alcohol addiction treatment-
Do not sadden yourself once you have become wholly engrossed in drinking. Alcohol addiction has a range of treatment plans to benefit your health and life.
- The first step is to get counselling done to help you reach a reluctant level to drinking. Keep a hands out distance from consuming alcohol after that
- Medications are also provided by the doctors to help you during your withdrawal symptoms and to ease out your cravings
- Treatment/ rehabilitation centres, where you are evaluated, diagnosed, given symptomatic treatment, are also an option. Also, treatment centres get you indulged in other activities like meditation to deviate your mind to something better and progressive. A whole team of doctors are available to help you get rid of your addictions. So do not think twice before consulting us for yourself or your loved ones.
In the treatment centre for alcohol addiction, you have a chance to a new life again. To stop your cravings, go to Alcohol rehabilitation centre in Delhi
It has immense good facilities to help you and ease out your troubles. Also, the Best nasha mukti kendra in India.
We do our bit, to give you a whole life!
Contact now!

Hope Care established under the guidance of Dr. Deepak Raheja, is a Psychiatric Centre of excellence that endeavors to restore hope and well-being to individuals and families afflicted by mental ill-health through comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation services. Hopecare seeks to set benchmarks in innovative programs in treatment, care, and education.