How do you face a challenge in life when you do not know anything about it…. from where it came from, what is it about, and how do you have it?
Family constellation therapy is a powerful tool to help you meet these challenges and mitigate them.
Hellinger originally developed the procedure in the World War II period. It proved to be a therapeutic way to deal with the trauma that people were facing then. Presently around 35 countries are extensively using this technique to help people at a tremendous rate.
This technique helps in deciphering the mental blocks. It is as enigmatic as it is effective in its ways.
What is family constellation therapy?
A type of therapy that can only be understood when experienced in the first person. It is a possibility that allows you to work in groups as well as in one on one sessions to dissolve the entanglements in your life.
The repeated trouble situations in your life follow a particular pattern. At one point in time, it becomes evident that you are dealing with some serious issues that you ultimately start to realize that these problems have a deeper root.
Constellation work is a great tool to catch the real reasons for the drama you are facing. Mainly these situations occur due to a disturbed family or simply because you shared a deranged bond with one of your loved ones.
You may be facing any problem like depression or anxiety, and the root cause may be a family predisposition.
Family issues make you stuck in your life in a way that leaves you in a dilemma. Because someone else is not okay, this makes you unable to grow and move forward in life.
During the family constellation sessions, it is thought that family issues might be the patient’s concern. Therefore the roots are checked, and the role the patient plays in the family is understood.
Is family constellation different from therapy?
Constellations are a single work step. The facilitator shows you the picture of the problem, gives you an idea, and offers a solution. On the contrary, therapies include multiple sessions and are the ongoing process where you have to keep visiting your therapist at particular intervals.
Family constellations work in the philosophy where the facilitator only observes and guides the patient to reach the desired outcome. Constellations believe in the theory that the patients are aware of their life more than anyone else, and they should be able to find the answers to the dwindling questions.
Do not mistake it for a single seating where you cannot return if you require further help. If the person feels he needs to go back, he can definitely do so.
What happens after the session?
Patients availing of this procedure should not talk about the happenings of their sessions. This is because the constellation works at a profound level…so as to say it works at the subconscious level of the person.
The trigger points, the tensions the person is facing all come up because they have been hurt in an unconscious state of mind, which they are not aware of and cannot find a remedy to. Constellation session works deeply and insightfully, giving the person an idea about his thoughts. Therefore he should take out time to delve into the condition to understand things rather than take somebody else’s opinion about it.
Benefits of family constellation therapy-
- Patients get an insight into others’ lives and their problems, giving them a whole new understanding of family dynamics.
- It takes them outside of their mind when they can understand and see other’s problems, thereby giving them the courage to find solutions to the consistent threat they have been going through their entire life.
- When the family member who has resulted in causing hurt to the patient is physically not there, the patient is much free to talk about his feelings and face them openly.
- It may so happen that, at times, the other patients who take turns to talk about their trauma may relate to you, and you understand the real cause of your trouble.
- Constellations are not a means of going through treatment or therapy; therefore, the patient doesn’t feel like a sufferer who needs help. He goes to the session to talk about his feelings and share his thoughts with others.
- Family constellation therapy sessions help get rid of even addictions.
Are family constellations effective?
Let us talk about a live example that will give you a clear picture of how this method works and if it is effective.
It so happened that a woman came for a constellation session. She was upset that her son was in jail due to his addiction issues.
The constellation facilitator enquired about the woman’s husband, to which the woman, with all repulsion, replied that she did not want to talk about her husband.
The facilitator arranged for a representative for the son. She then asked the woman to confront her feelings to her son. The woman started speaking. She said she was unhappy with how her son had turned out to be, and she confirmed that she loved only half of her son… the other half was not acceptable to her.
On further investigation, it was revealed that the one part the woman was talking about was the part the son had inherited from his father. Therefore the woman realized that the reason for her hurt was her husband and not her son. She made peace with what she learned and eventually got the answers to her long waiting for questions.
Hence, it is not much wrong to say that this unique method of helping people overcome their trauma is adequate and the pathway for everyone to come out of their problems on their own and realize the truth for a better and brighter life ahead.
To know more about this procedure, contact Hopecare or call at 91-9311112377 as your first step to give a new direction to your life.

Hope Care established under the guidance of Dr. Deepak Raheja, President at Delhi Psychiatric Society is a psychiatric center of excellence that endeavors to restore hope and well-being to individuals and families afflicted by mental ill-health through comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation services. Hopecare seeks to set benchmarks in innovative programs in treatment, care, and education.