Alcohol abuse differs from alcohol addiction, but they are usually present together. It is important to understand that abusers of alcohol cannot be considered addicted to alcohol, but when they consume it, it knows no limits. Alcoholic drinkers continue to drink alcohol regardless of the results. They may not be involved in regular alcohol consumption and may not suffer from any symptoms if they are not around alcohol. But when they start drinking they have no boundaries; They are usually heavy drinkers and lose control of their actions due to excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol abusers may eventually become addicted to it.
According to the alcohol rehabilitation centre in Delhi control and prevention, drinking a few drinks per day is considered moderate drinking. However, consumption of too much alcohol and not being able to limit consumption is identified as alcohol abuse and a very dangerous disorder. It is the root cause of many social and emotional problems, and if not alcoholism, is the route to alcohol addiction. Alcohol abuse is a disruptive and life-threatening problem and has drunk, vandalism, violent behavior, legal consequences (drunk-driving, vandalism, violent behavior, legal consequences etc.) as associated problems. Everyone understands that all alcohol-related problems, including alcohol addiction and alcohol abuse, are dangerous, but despite research, awareness of them, they are still common. These days the issue of alcohol abuse is still being seen among teenagers.
Causes of alcohol abuse
No one grows up to deal with alcohol-related problems. But alcohol, sometimes, stops in a person’s life. For many, alcoholism is introduced by peer pressure, prompting and poking to drink alcohol. Over time, when they fall victim to this peer pressure, they lose the ability to control when and when they drink, and with alcohol addiction. Alcohol abuse remains at hand. For some, alcohol consumption may begin as a remedy for some mental illness. But soon, over time, a habit of persistent overconsumption of alcohol develops and their lives become victims of alcohol abuse and addiction disorders. And for some people, alcohol abuse and alcoholism result from psychological or social factors, where they consume slightly more to calm down and loosen up on certain social occasions or forget or get rid of some stressful routine.
What are the symptoms of alcohol abuse?
Some common symptoms observed include:
- Decreased extracurricular/physical activities
- Loss of interest in work-life or school life
- Depression
- Lack of interest in family or friends
- Inability to say no to alcohol
- Erratic/violent behavior
- Unknown and outlaws type attitude
There are also long-term symptoms, including chronic fatigue, liver failure, cirrhosis, insomnia, chronic anxiety (chronic fatigue, liver failure, cirrhosis, insomnia, chronic anxiety), etc. Alcohol abuse can also cause brain damage that can lead to impairment in one’s working memory or visual abilities. It causes impairment in one’s critical thinking, compromises the ability to reason in stressful situations, and shows many other visible neurotoxic effects.
Treatment of alcohol abuse
Treatment for alcohol abuse focuses on helping learn how to control the disorder. Most people recovering from alcohol abuse should abstain from alcohol altogether as it is difficult for them to drink moderately. Prevention is often the only way to manage this disorder. Generally, recovery revolves around feeling the side effects of alcohol abuse and self-motivated commitment towards stopping the habit. Recovery is a long process and involves healing, learning new coping skills and healthy ways to manage stress. In countries such as the United States, rehabilitation groups are formed and regular rehab meetings are held where people become aware of the side effects and abstain from alcohol. Realize the problem. There are no direct medicinal cures for this disorder and all depends on the will of the person.
Prevention to avoid alcohol abuse.
Prevention is always better than cure and to prevent the problem of alcohol abuse, we need to understand the reasons why people become alcohol abusers or addicts. It is found that alcohol abuse is more common at some points in life. Those undergoing serious life events or trauma are more likely to commit alcohol abuse; People who experience depression, loneliness, emotional stress or boredom tend to deal with their problems with alcohol and thus alcohol abuse and become alcohol addicts. Alcohol rehabilitation centre in Delhi measures already implemented includes increased taxation of alcohol, strict regulation on alcohol advertising and fewer liquor stores. These are not the right solutions to prevent the problem. With better education about the matter, and so have families that do not support alcohol consumption, there are certain measures that reduce the number of people suffering from alcohol abuse disorder. However, this problem today appears to be, of course, not entirely eradicated.
Withdrawal symptoms of alcohol abuse.
Like any other disorder, people suffering from alcohol abuse also experience withdrawal symptoms if they have not had alcohol for a while. Once they stop drinking, a part of their lifestyle seems to be missing, the routine is broken. Symptoms of withdrawal include:
- Nausea
- Shaking, shivering and sweating together (shaking, shivering and sweating)
- Irritability
- Anxiety
Sometimes when a person with a disorder tries to stay away from alcohol, withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous and can lead to a medical emergency. Such symptoms include:
- Seizures
- Severe vomiting (sometimes there is blood)
- Hallucinations
- Fever
If there is a long-term addiction to alcohol and alcohol abuse, a rehabilitation in Delhi should be consulted. In such cases, to quit alcohol, treatment should be done under proper guidance, and in a slow and step-wise manner.

Hope Care established under the guidance of Dr. Deepak Raheja, is a Psychiatric Centre of excellence that endeavors to restore hope and well-being to individuals and families afflicted by mental ill-health through comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation services. Hopecare seeks to set benchmarks in innovative programs in treatment, care, and education.