In this video, Dr. Deepak Raheja, the best psychiatrist in India, discusses why people stigmatize Mental Illness. Stigma is when another person views you in a negative way. It may be because you have distinguishing characteristics and unusual traits that people assume to be a negative stereotype. These negative views, attitudes, and beliefs of people towards those who have a mental health condition are very common in today’s society. This can lead to discrimination which may be so direct as someone making a negative remark about your mental illness or your treatment. It may be unintentional or intentional. It may be when someone is avoiding you because of the unstable nature of the mental illness. Hope Care India is a leading psychiatric centre and mental wellness organization that recognizes and provides for the mental stresses in modern-day living. Hope Care India dates back to 2004. It was set up to take a pioneering role in society to create awareness about topics that were not discussed publicly in a country like India. The focus of Hope Care India is addressing the so-called “stigmas of society” like mental health, mental disorders, trauma, drug addiction, and much more. Hope Care India has a compelling desire to not only include the less fortunate and equally needy for support and treatment but also improve mental healthcare. We have several outreach programs specially designed to help the children on the street, and homeless people with preventive care and treatment. Our model practices the principles of empathy and positivity. We take a holistic approach towards their patients by finding a solution to the underlying factors and prepare the patient for lifelong recovery. Get confidential help now at +91-9311112377 #Counseling #TalkToTherapist #Anxiety #HealingDepression #Stress #Anxiety #Trauma #HealingTreatment #HealingPath #TrustUs

Hope Care established under the guidance of Dr. Deepak Raheja, is a Psychiatric Centre of excellence that endeavors to restore hope and well-being to individuals and families afflicted by mental ill-health through comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation services. Hopecare seeks to set benchmarks in innovative programs in treatment, care, and education.