It is a mentally linked disease that, if not treated in time, grows over time and at one point of time fills a person with so much despair and frustration that he sees only darkness in front of him, and It is difficult to get the patient back from such a condition.
If we look at the WHO figures, then these are the watchdogs. According to the World Health Organization, about 264 million people worldwide are currently suffering from depression. Not only this, Depression is the main reason for all the physical and mental diseases worldwide.
What Is Depression?
It is a state when the mind and mind of a person are clouded by negativity, anxiety, tension, and sadness. In this state, a person’s ability to think and understand is gone, and he/she starts to be slowly weakened. Because it is a mental disease, it cannot be estimated by looking at the patient in it, but it can be detected if we look at the symptoms, it can be detected.
Depression is not a common disease. It differs from the ups and downs of life and the challenges faced in everyday life, and it takes a frightening form when it becomes a serious health condition while living for a long time.
What do Surveys say?
It can cause great harm to the person to whom it affects and ruins his work, family, and life. When depression reaches its worst state, it causes suicide. Approximately 80,000 people die each year due to suicide. Surprisingly, suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15 to 29-year-old children, and inadvertently around 76 to 85 percent of the people succumb to it.
It is also known that people do not get proper treatment for mental diseases. In low-middle income countries, 85 percent of the people do not get any treatment for this disease. There are much effective treatment or care problems, such as lack of resources, lack of knowledgeable doctors or psychiatrists, external society attitudes, etc. Often people living under stress or anxiety are not treated properly.
The burden of depression and other forms of mental illness has been increasing around the world. A resolution of a world-class health meeting in May 2013 has called for a comprehensive and equal response to mental illnesses in the country.
What Are The Symptoms?
Depending on the number of symptoms and severity, a depression patient can be divided into mild, moderate, and severe. Both types of depression can be chronic (i.e., over a long period) with relapse, especially if they are not treated.
Recurrent Depression Disorder:
A psychiatrist in South Delhi says depression is repeated frequently within this disease. During these episodes, the patient experiences a depressed mood and loss of interest and pleasure, and energy for the activity lasts for at least two weeks. Many people suffering from depression suffer from symptoms of anxiety, disturbance of sleep, and hunger.
They may also have symptoms of guilt or lack of self-worth, poor concentration, which cannot be cured by therapy.
Only by looking at the patient’s symptoms can it be estimated that the level of depression in him. A person with a mild depression level will have some difficulty maintaining normal work and social activities but will be able to do his job. Still, if someone is seriously suffering from depression, it is unlikely that the victim is of any social or domestic activity; his life is badly filled with problems.
Bipolar Affective Disorder:
The bipolar affective disorder is a psychiatric illness involving severe mood. Depression takes the form of dementia and can last for several months. At the time of depression, patients often feel very sad, feel guilty, do not feel hungry, have poor sleep, and cannot enjoy veggies.
This disorder often results in increased libido in patients during dementia, requires less sleep, excessive energy, and can sometimes involve risky movements (such as drinking too much alcohol, gambling, etc.), or even violent ones can occur.
There are three types of Bipolar Affective Disorder:
Type 1: Patients have prolonged dementia and depression episodes.
Type 2: They have a severe type of depression and have mild (hypomanic) symptoms of dementia.
Type 3: This is called a cyclothymic disorder. In this, the patient has mild depression and mild insanity.
According to the best psychologist in Delhi, the biggest way to prevent depression is to try to keep away from negative thoughts and be positive as much as possible. But there are some crucial points –
- In every situation of your life, some people should always be with you.
- Some decisions that cause depression such as changing jobs, love, marriage, or divorce. Do not take such decisions alone; always seek opinions from people who have been close to you for years.
- Do not let negative thinking dominate you.
- Avoid consumption of alcohol and other drugs.
Diagnosis and Treatment
The first step in treating a patient with depression is to consult a best psychologist in Delhi. After consultation, certain rules and experiments can be made to relieve the symptoms and other conditions in which the medicines taken by a patient are also under investigation. The Psychiatrist in South Delhi considers the family and medical history of the patient and then proceeds to treatment accordingly.
Although drugs are slow to take effect, medical antidepressants often cause serious side effects, which may not be acceptable in all cases. Psychotherapy is another option that can help in the treatment of depression. This therapy works by understanding behavior and ways of thinking and has also been shown to help reduce some symptoms. It tells the patient what causes depression and how to come out of it.
What WHO Says?
Depression is one of the priorities covered by the WHO’s ‘Mental Health Gap Action’ program. The program aims to help enhance services to reduce mental, neurological, and drug abuse in countries that health workers offer. WHO has prepared a complete psychological manual for depression called activists is divided by. An example is Problem Management Plus, which describes active behavior, relaxation training, problem-solving treatment, and strengthening social support. In addition, manual group interpersonal therapy (IPT) for depression is used for depression. The group describes the treatment and, ultimately, healthy thinking involves cognitive-behavioral therapy for perinatal depression.

Hope Care established under the guidance of Dr. Deepak Raheja, is a Psychiatric Centre of excellence that endeavors to restore hope and well-being to individuals and families afflicted by mental ill-health through comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation services. Hopecare seeks to set benchmarks in innovative programs in treatment, care, and education.