The pains of separation and longing for love are not easy to conquer. To emotionally recover from a divorce is a time taking process which cannot be skipped, acceptance of the reality and being brave isn’t easy to achieve but not impossible. Divorce can turn a person’s life upside down. But losing hope is not an option. In these uncertain times, remember the ultimate truth of life that loving yourself first is more important. Easier said than done, but our lives are too long and precious to be spent in regret and being unsure of the future. Let your past actions be your answers every time you question your decisions. Loving yourself is one of the many ways to deal with separation anxiety that comes with divorce.
Here are some of the coping strategies advised by the best relationship counselor in Noida city, Dr. Swati, that you can make use of to alleviate grief :
It’s normal to experience mood swings
Even if the marriage was a disaster, stepping out of it and into the unknown all alone can be terrifying. Feeling sad, angry, tired, irritated, confused, oblivious and insecure are common, and they can be overwhelming at times. You may still be concerned about the future. Accept that such responses will fade away with time.
Take a break and breathe
Allow yourself to feel and work in a less-than-ideal manner for a period of time. Sometimes doing the bare minimum is doing a lot for the peace of your mind. For a while, you may not be able to be as productive at work or you may not care for others in the same way that you used to. Take time to heal, refresh, regroup, and restore; no one is perfect and brave as a superhero in this world. Try breathing in the positive energy this world has to offer and catch a break into the arms of nature.
Recognizing that you are not in this alone.
Sharing your inner emotions with your friends and family will assist you in getting through these tough times. Consider joining a support group where you can express and speak to people who have been through such similar experiences. Isolating yourself can increase tension, decrease focus, and interfere with work life, relationships, and overall health. If you need assistance, don’t be afraid to seek it from a relationship counselor or psychological counselor.
Take care of yourself and your body. Extract time from your every day to exercise, yoga, eat healthy and unwind. Along with this maintain as much of your daily routine as possible. Try not to make big life choices at this time. Avoid the usage of alcohol, any sort of drugs, or cigarettes to cope; they’ll only make the situation worse.
Have a positive approach to life.
Your life might not be the same as earlier, but exploring new interests and friends, as well as going forward with realistic goals, will help you triumph separation anxiety and get through this transition. Be adaptable and accept changes in lifestyle. Family traditions will still be relevant if you have children, but some of them will need to be changed. Assist in the development of new family events.
Reassure and listen
Ascertain that your children understand that your divorce is not their fault. Be compassionate yet direct in your answers, and listen to and alleviate their concerns. Make yourself and your kids adjusted to the new ‘normal’ though it may not be easy and different from earlier.
Talk it out
Seeking professional help is no matter of shame. Coping with separation anxiety is a tough and time taking process that can become easier with the help of a psychologist.

Hope Care established under the guidance of Dr. Deepak Raheja, is a Psychiatric Centre of excellence that endeavors to restore hope and well-being to individuals and families afflicted by mental ill-health through comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation services. Hopecare seeks to set benchmarks in innovative programs in treatment, care, and education.