Hope Care India has experienced professionals who provide result oriented drug and alcohol treatment in Delhi. Our professionals evaluate and try to understand the reason behind the addiction. We offer our patients customised treatment program as we understand that every patient is different and should be treated differently. We also organise group therapies for patients to feel more comfortable and less awkward.

The types of drug and alcohol addiction treatments that we offer at Hope Care are given below:

– Outpatient Treatment

Under this treatment we offer the patients drug education, life skills training, personal counseling, therapies, detox programs and also after care programs. The duration of the treatment programs depends on the intensity of the addiction.

– Day Treatment Programs

Sometimes the intensity of the addiction gets too strong. Under this situation, our experts provide regular supervision. We at times suggest partial hospitalization to patients who require intensive care.

– Residential Treatment

This treatment is for patients with more serious addiction who require round the clock treatment. These addicted patients are kept under 24-hour care situation and are offered group counseling sessions, detox monitoring, psychiatric therapy, withdrawal care, life skills workshop and more.

– Intensive Inpatient Hospitalization

This is a full time treatment which are hospital based and are structured for patients who have already given up on substance abuse and find it impossible to get out of it on their own. These patients are supervised round the clock as they tend to harm themselves while facing during the withdrawal symptoms.

Therefore, if you want to come out of your addiction or if you are looking to help someone with drug and alcohol treatment in Delhi, you need to get in touch with us and share your concerns. We bring to you treatment programs that are sure to help you to come out of the dreadful addiction and help you lead a happy and healthy life.


Both addictions can be effectively treated with the help of behavioral therapies and under the surveillance of a professional who knows how to handle such situations.

Sudden stoppage of an abusive substance may lead to withdrawal symptoms for which you may experience physical derangements in your body. Withdrawal symptoms specifically last from a period of a few days to a few weeks depending upon the association of the drug and the alcohol that you have had.
A typical day at the rehab center would include getting involved in various activities, talking to others, understanding their problems, undergoing treatments and therapies beneficial for your condition.
A period of about 30, 60, or 90 days is a minimum time requirement that is needed for a person to overcome his addiction.
Hopecare caters to each patient individually and tailors a customized treatment plan to help them overcome their addiction.